Pathways to Resilience and Mental Health

को अ॒द्धा वे॑द॒ क इ॒ह प्र वो॑च॒त्कुत॒ आजा॑ता॒ कुत॑ इ॒यं विसृ॑ष्टिः ।

ICMR Task Force Project


The Pathways to Resilience and Mental Health (PARAM) is a longitudinal study of brain developmental trajectories from early life into adulthood and an exploration of the factors [Genome x Exposome] which shape these pathways towards Resilience or Vulnerability to Mental Illness 

The PARAM study is a Task Force Project of the Indian Council of Medical Research and a collaborative study collecting data over nine sites across India.

The PARAM is an extension of an existing ICMR Task Force  neuro-developmental cohort of individuals aged between 6-23 years, set up between 2016-2020, through an Indo UK collaborative study – the cVEDA.

 The PARAM is collecting information from around 10000 subjects from the population and from mental health clinics to cover the age span from antenatal (2nd trimester) to adulthood (30 years).

The data consists of a] clinical and phenotype measures, b] multi-modal neuro-imaging, c] genotype and epigenetic measures, d] exposome measures, e] measures of biological mechanisms mediating between genome and exposome (inflammatory markers).